PUBLIC COMMENT: Greater boat access near Statue of Liberty
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Public comments due to USCG on 1/3/17
Proposed: more boat access around Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
Boating safety sited as reason for change
11/14/16. This just in from the Harbor Ops Committee:
"Please be advised that USCG Sector New York has published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking which pertains to a potential change to the security zone around Liberty State Park and Ellis Island.
The proposed change would enhance Harbor Safety by allowing smaller vessels to pass behind the Statue of Liberty and avoid being forced to travel in the more heavily used and current-impacted open channel.
MAPONY/NJ SUPPORTS this change and will file written comments in support thereof.
We urge you to review this ANPRM and file comments.
The corrected ANPRM can be accessed via the following link:
New York Harbor - security zone proposal
The US Coast Guard issued a technical correction to its advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) of 3 November. The proposal related to potential changes to the security zone around Liberty State Park and Ellis Island. In the notice, the summary erroneously stated that removal of the security zone was being considered, while the proposal itself discussed only the possibility of modifying the zone.
81 Fed. Reg. 78759 (11/9/16) [].