PortSide NewYork Blog
Read our latest posts below. For a full list of posts, visit our blog library.

As of 5/14/24, this blogpost covers dramatic changes. The Port Authority and the City are doing a property swap, and all the port waterfront property south of Brooklyn Bridge Park to Red Hook’s Wolcott Street is going to be planned and controlled by the NYC EDC.
As of 5/14/24, this blogpost covers dramatic changes. The Port Authority and the City are doing a property swap, and all the port waterfront property south of Brooklyn Bridge Park to Red Hook’s Wolcott Street is going to be planned and controlled by the NYC EDC.
Recap of PortSide’s 2023 impact on public policy, education, and historic preservation! And the year’s not over! There are December milestones and news in here!
Concerned about truck traffic resulting from ecommerce warehouses being built near you? Thinking that moving that stuff by water instead of truck could help? Trying to understand how maritime freight works? Confused by maritime jargon? This page is for you.
Get the update on our business plan! An innovative, forward-looking maritime center in Red Hook, Brooklyn!
After seven months of PortSide programs with PS 676 in Red Hook, Brooklyn, this K-5 school has decided to become a maritime STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) school—the FIRST public elementary school in Brooklyn with a maritime focus! Here’s how this came to be, with info about PortSide programs with PS 676 and how students and community benefit. At the bottom is a list of ways you can support and get involved.
UPS wants to tear down the former foundry building with ties to Red Hook’s proud maritime past. But the needs of the future can be accommodated without obliterating all of the past.
Get your testimony ready! Two big waterfront items being discussed at the NYC City Council, Wednesday, 4/17/19. Creating a new Office of the Waterfront? Creating a new Director of Ferries and moving NYC Ferry control from the NYC EDC to the NYC DOT?
PortSide partners with Red Hook's P.S. 676, provides programs for all grades.
PortSide NewYork’s 2019 Black History Month program about African American Maritime History (#AfAmMH) is all digital since we have no building space for public programs. We will be posting to our Facebook pages, Twitter and Instagram and updating this blogpost with content over the month. Please send us ideas, comment and share.
“this is an oasis” … “Important part of our community for sure” … More voices and photos from 2018 at PortSide NewYork