Grand Opening - Memorial Day Weekend 2012
PortSide Pop-up Museum & Gallery
- Maritime photos, prints, paintings and art for sale including work by Frank Hanavan, Bill Murphy, Naima Rauam, Carolina Salguero, Christina Sun
- T-Shirts, caps, mugs, postcards, notecards
- Historic artifacts from Brooklyn's Working Waterfront
Knot Tying Demonstrations with painter, ship modeler and ropework artist Frank Hanavan
Possible guest appearance by Admiral Nelson
David Sharps, the entertainer and captain of the Waterfront Museum will be walking Columbia Street on stilts
Live Music:
SATURDAY 12pm-3pm
WIlly Gantrim 1 - 2 pm
Bird Courage 2 - 3 pm
SUNDAY 12 pm-5 pm
The Birdhive Boys 12 - 1:30 pm
Elio or Seven Deadly Venoms 1:30 - 3 pm
The Birdhive Boys 3 - 5 pm
Yazan 12 - 3 pmschedules may be subject to change
Music thanks to the fabulous folks of the music school and venue Jalopy Theatre with Jalopy Tavern next door!
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